Six Ways to Know You are a Graduating Senior!


Senior Staff Writer Nathan Lampenfeld provides the Viking Community with six sure-fire ways to tell a senior from an underclassmen within their last days at Central.

  1. You have the 30-second college info speech memorized.
    “I’m going to Pitt for molecular bio; no I don’t have roommate; yes I know it’s close to home; yes I am excited.”
  2. Each day of classes feels longer and longer.
    “8:56, 9:44, 10:32, 11:20, 12:08, 12:56, 1:44,  2:32”
  3. You look at freshman the way grandparents look at you; with both jealousy and condescension.
    “Look at them, they don’t even know what’s coming.”
  4. You don’t have a pen but you won’t need one any way.
    “Or a pencil. Nothing. It doesn’t matter.”
  5. You can bang out that 8 page end of the year essay in an hour.
    “8? 10? Does it matter? It’s all the same at this point.”
  6. You have an Amazon shopping cart full of your own collegiate apparel.
    “It’s basically a school expense, right?”