The Good News

This summer has brought with it a tumultuous news cycle. From terror attacks to North Korea to white supremacy, it seems that we cannot escape terrible stories. I would like to offer some good news, however.

Take the United Kingdom. It now has the most diverse Parliament in history. A United States teacher repeatedly, secretly facetimed an Afghani musician to teach him about music. Taiwan became the first Asian country in history to rule in favor of gay marriage. The Pope has opened a laundromat for Rome’s impoverished. Zimbabwe recently banned the beating of children.

These are the types of stories that should be injected into the news media. Sure, the negative stories garner more viewership. Many may even be more important than an obscure story of kindness from across the globe. But, it is those stories that must be heard to restore the faith in humanity. Who can blame the pessimists anymore? I suggest, if anyone feels that they are being saturated with negativity, to take a look online, do research, find the goodness in humanity. It will be more therapeutic than you might think.