Letter From the Editor

Hey everyone, I’m Ryan Haggerty. I am the new editor of the school newspaper and I am excited to get it up-and-running again. As you may have noticed, or more likely not noticed, over the past few years, the paper has not been as accessible to students as it should be. I intend to work hard to make the paper more readily available, more active, and more in tune with student life at Central. We will, of course, have the typical politics and news section, an arts section, a sports section, and a comedy section (hopefully), but I hope to revitalize the idea of what it means to have a voice as a student.

If anyone, for any reason, thinks that they have a story to share with the school, anonymously or not, please do not hesitate to find me and talk to me about it. I would like this new-and- improved paper to not only function as a means from which to gather information, but a platform as well. No idea is a bad one, even if it might seem like it at first. I encourage all of  you to make your voices heard and speak up for what you believe in, because you now have  the keys to do so. Thank you, and I wish you the best of luck this year. RollVikes.