

I’m sure you’ve all heard about the KAIROS Retreat being talked about by students and teachers who have gone in the past but do you really know what KAIROS means? The definition of the Greek word ‘kairos’ literally means opportunity.  KAIROS is an opportunity to get closer to yourself, those around you, and most importantly God.  In all honestly KAIROS means something different to everyone who goes on it.  It’s a three day retreat where all the distractions of modern day life are taken out.  You don’t have your phone, you can’t do school work and you have no concept of time.  This was a hard reality to grasp the first couple hours but then I realized that having no distractions was something I really needed.  KAIROS is a time to reflect on your life and your personal relationship with God.  By the end of the retreat I can guarantee that you will not only be closer with God but have a much better understanding of yourself.  We all need time to think about the decisions we’ve made in the past and how we want to better improve the future.

Now you may be wondering why I haven’t gone into detail about the specifics of what goes on those three days you will be away.  Well, I haven’t touched on these topics because everyone who has gone on the retreat agrees that you will get much more out it if you have no prior knowledge.  You may have never talked to me or even know who I am but I ask that you trust me and sign up for the retreat.  Signing up for this retreat is one thing that I will never regret.  It gave me time to experience silence which is almost unachievable in the modern day environment.  We all need to slow down and take a moment to think about life.