First Week of Sophomore Year

*The bell rings, teacher collects the final tests, and summer has just begun. It is a time to meet up with friends, stay up late, and do things that your parents will inevitably disapprove of. That is the case if you are a popular kid. Just to clarify, I am not popular at all. My summer was made up of binge-watching Netflix shows, feeling alone, and looking at popular kid’s social medias thinking about how to be like them. Fast forward a month or two, as the final days of summer are closing in, I missed my goal of losing weight, and now have to face my fear of going back to school to see all my “friends.” The morning alarm goes off and it’s time to go back to school.

My sister dropped me off in the parking lot, I shook Brother Tony’s hand, and went down to the cafeteria before the bell rings for the students to go to homeroom. This is when I realized that most of the people I talked to freshman year forgot my name, perfect. However, I would not let this affect me. I do not go to school to socialize, I go to learn. Not to brag, but I did pretty well grade wise my freshman year, so I got into some Honors Classes, that was the only bright spot left. Do not worry, this bright spot got killed too.

1st Period: Advanced Vocal Music-

I got into this class because I had the highest voice in the freshman class. Over the summer I lost the ability to reach high notes and my voice still can’t reach the low notes, so now the teacher does not know what to do with me.

2nd Period: Honors Geometry-

1st day of class my teacher, Mr. Crummie “The Handsome Crummie” as he told us to call him, compares me to my older brother Sean, who graduated in 2013. For those who do not know: my brother and I are polar opposites of each other, he is tall, built, athletic, funny, and he can talk to girls without his face getting red like a tomato. However, getting back to the story, Mr. Crummie compares me to my brother and asks what sports I do, I simply replied volleyball, which gets a laugh from the entire class, which surprisingly boosted my self-esteem. (If you actually think this event boosted my self-confidence/self-esteem then you need to start paying closer attention to the things you read.)

3rd Period: Honors World History-

Surprisingly not that bad except for the fact that I had no idea what I was doing in that class, because it was and still is so far above my head. But I guess Erasmus of Rotterdam is cool.

4th Period: Honors Exploring Literature and Writing-

I was moved up into this class by my freshman English teacher, Mr. D’Addieco. This is also the class in which I will have to try my hardest, and be the best student I can. So, it was a bad start to the year when I showed up late because I thought that it was my lunch period and not English Class.

5th Period: Lunch-

No one sat by me.

6th Period: Honors Spanish II-

After walking the quad last period and then walking up all the steps to the fourth floor to get to this class, I was sweating hard. My shirt, because of the sweat, went from a bright blue to a picture of The Gulf of Alaska, where two seas with two distinct colors collide, but don’t mix. It was bad.

7th Period: Religion-

Not bad, but there is a first time for everything.

8th & 9th Period: Health-

I was told that absolutely everything that I have ever eaten was killing me. It was a great way to end the day.

After School: Newspaper Meeting-

“Declan, write about how bad sophomore year has been so far.”

It’s all about perspective. At Central, tradition and that “mystique” they talk about can hit pretty hard. As Troy Fisher knows, you can get tackled over and over again, but there is always the next play (unless it’s fourth down). When you’re up against a tough situation, you just have to do what Troy does and run around a lot, trying to escape the other team. My way of running around is to laugh at my adversity. When you treat it like a joke, everything is funny. That’s why, even despite the troubles, I can always get a good laugh out of a bad situation. It will be really fun when things start going well!


*This article as meant as a satirical response.