Public or Private School? Views from New Central Student

Have you ever wondered if there is really a difference between public and private school? Is the extra money for private school really worth it, or do kids get the same education as they would in public school? My name is Soleil Smith and I am a transfer student from Gateway school district. In this article I will be answering these questions and and telling you my perspective from being in both public and private school. Hopefully, you will have an idea of the differences between the two environments and have an easier time deciding which is truly the better option.
For most of my life I went to public school. I always enjoyed the environment and my friends. At the beginning of my school years I was thriving. Soon, however, around middle school, my grades began to drop and I was falling behind. I became discouraged and didn’t have a desire to do well in school. This is what made my parents switch me over to the private school environment. This is currently my first year attending private school as a transfer student at Central Catholic High school.
Now that I am here, I am seeing a lot of differences from public school, along with some similarities. My grades in the first quarter alone are showing a lot of improvement from where I was at before. Well now that I have experience in both worlds, what are some positives and negatives that I have noticed?
  • There is a fairly equal amount of positives and negatives that I have noticed during my public school years.
  • Some positives of public school are: typically more students and more peer options, not as many rules and a little bit more freedom, no dress code; which helps make it easier to focus when you are comfortable, and there is usually more fun that happens in classroom.
  • Some negatives of public school are: the lack of a lot of rules can sometimes lead to more chaos, more kids make it harder for teachers and staff to focus on everybody, and the teachers do not show more care or interest to students than what they are required to.
Keep in mind these are just positives and negatives that I have personally noticed, and there may be more that others could possibly add to the list. With that being said, what are the good and bad about the private school environment?
Next, let’s jump into the positives and negatives of private school, more specifically: Central Catholic.
Some positives I have noticed are: The fact that it is an all boy school (surprisingly) makes it easier to focus on the studies, less kids; so less chaos, the teachers go above and beyond to help the students, and you don’t have to worry about as many kids who will cause trouble since private schools normally won’t accept those kids. Now, some of the negatives I have noticed are: the uniforms can sometimes be uncomfortable and make it hard to focus, a lot of rules to be followed, not as much fun during class, and less kids; so less peer options. Once again, keep in mind the fact that these are what I have personally noticed from my short time of being here so far.
There are a good amount of positives and negatives that were listed for both public and private school. To be honest, both offer fairly decent reasons to at least consider each. Of course, it all depends on the individual parent and student and how they feel, but I wouldn’t describe either experiences as bad. Are there certain things I like about one rather than the other? Yes. As long as the student is able to get the education he or she needs to excel, it is good and it can work out. By now you should, undoubtedly, have somewhat of a better idea of what both public and private schools have to offer. Now, the decision is up to you. What will it be? Public or private?