How to be a Gentleman: A Thorough Tutorial

What is a gentleman? Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines a gentleman as a man whose conduct conforms to a high standard of propriety or correct behavior. Though this is not an untrue definition, one can make a compelling argument that there is more to a gentleman than meets the eye. Inspired by How to be a Gentleman: a Timely Guide to Timeless Manners by John Bridges, today I will be providing a few pointers to guide you in the right direction to gentlemanliness.

To begin, it is imperative to understand the distinctive subcategories of a gentleman’s tendencies. For starters, one way to break it down is into the following sections: how to dress, how to eat, and miscellaneous behavioral tactics. Now that a simple breakdown has been established, it is time to dive into the specifics.

#1) How to Dress:

  1. What to wear on Casual Fridays: a gentleman still dresses professionally. He may choose to wear khaki slacks, a polo shirt, or a sports shirt accompanied by a blazer, and loafers. Unless he observes coworkers wearing jeans, he does not even think of doing so.
    1. As stated, it is crucial that you refrain from wearing jeans at all costs unless you have noticed a consistent pattern of your fellow workers.
  2. What to wear in chilly weather: a gentleman always wears gloves in cold weather (for shaking hands with others).
    1. Specifically, a gentleman tends to utilize darker tones of gloves so as to not draw any unnecessary attention from others.

#2) How to Eat:

  1. Deciding What to Order: a gentleman often politely asks the waiter what he prefers or advises to order.
    1. Side note: this technique of ordering establishes humility in the relationship with the waiter.
  2. Cleaning Up: a gentleman never stacks his plates when he is finished dining.
    1. Side note: stacking one’s plates may seem like a generous gesture to the waiter, but a study conducted back in 2014 suggests that the majority of waiters prefer to stack the plates themselves.


#3) Miscellaneous Behavioral Tactics:

  1. How to Behave at a Concert: a gentleman does not hum along, sing along, or beat to the rhythm at any concert, unless the performers have invited the audience members to do so.
    1. The self control and discipline that it takes to not sing along to your favorite song at a concert is certainly one of the most challenging tasks of them all.
  2. When to arrive at a party: a gentleman is never last to leave a party. Neither, if he can help it, is he the first to arrive.
    1. Being that gentlemen never arrive first, a flaw in this logic is that no one would show up to the party if only gentlemen are invited.


It is your call to action to use these tips to your advantage to become a gentleman. Stay safe, and, most importantly, stay gentle, man.